Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Beginner Tips On Getting Started With Essential Oils

I was in your spot about a couple months ago and I'm still learning but I can tell you this: I didn't know where to start when it came to essential oils or trying to make my own recipes. It was extremely overwhelming and it didn't help whenever I saw these natural beauty gurus having hundreds of expensive oils in their own collection or apothecary. WOW! Where to start? I only have 6, haha. Even after hours of research online it was still hard to pinpoint what oil is good, versatile, and affordable to get. Frustration took over me but please don't let this discourage you as I compiled just a few tips to help you get started.

Tip 1: Find a good book or do some research online before buying
This is obvious without being said but I wanted to emphasize this part: as I have done hours and hours of research online I figured out that I had to read all the good and bad reviews before buying anything. This may seem time consuming and tedious but you'll thank yourself in the long run as you'll be less likely to buy the wrong, bad quality, or useless items. Practice makes perfect and you'll eventually get to a point of being good at picking out good quality oils. Give it some time as this won't happen overnight. So don't always dismiss the bad reviews or go with the first good review. Just because it's good or bad for someone else might not be good or bad for you. The ideal review is to have both the pros and cons of an item with a conclusion of the item being good or somewhat good item. You're not always going to come across like that but you might be lucky and bump into a good and honest review.

I do want to recommend if you are serious into getting into aromatherapy and essential oils there is this book that I ordered online for like only 13 US dollars. It's called The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils by Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt. It goes over the science and background of essential oils. I almost felt like I was in school because it was kind of set up like a textbook which was pretty cool. This book is intelligently and eloquently written. This guy did his research as he has several sources he cites from. Now, if you're wanting simple recipes then don't pick up this book since it only  contains a few basic recipes. If that's what you're looking for then this is not the book for you. Otherwise, this book is full of interesting and useful information. I learned a lot from reading his text.

Tip 2: Start off with one essential oil and/or one recipe
Don't overwhelm yourself by trying to do everything! You will end up with items you don't need and you will end spending a lot of money that you don't have. Trust me, I learned the hard way. Stick with one item that you use everyday like body wash or shampoo and then perfect it over time before moving onto the next thing. This will help you adjust and help you improve on your learning and judgement to making the right formula(s) for you, your friends, and family. The great thing about essential oils are that one can be suffice to serve all kinds of purposes. Yes, it is that versatile.

I personally recommend starting off with lavender or tea tree oil. These two oils are very versatile. They are both very healing and increases cellular regeneration. They are both natural anti-bacterials. You can use tea tree in household cleaning products and in facial cleansers or moisturizers for pimples and acne. Lavender is great for healing wounds and burns. There was once a French chemist that was badly burned in a laboratory and dipped his hand in lavender and he ended up healing a lot faster than most without any signs of scarring. WOW!

Tip 3: Get An Essential Oil Kit
You might want to consider an essential oil kit which can be great for beginners if you have no prior knowledge to essential oil or aromatherapy. If you are indecisive like I am the kit will allow you to test some without having to buy large quantities at once. This will also save you tons of money as each essential oil can be costly. That's what I did and I'm so glad I did it. I got mine at Mountain Rose Herbs for 32 US dollars (not including shipping and tax). This is considered super cheap and it's good quality. I definitely recommend this to any beginner or even intermediate. These are the very basic oils and you will find yourself using ALL of these. The oils are all certified organic and kit contains six - 1/4 ounce bottles which are geranium, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, tea tree, and rosemary. Click here for the direct link. 

Here's my set up close and personal~

It's oh so very cute!

Tip #4: Get pipettes
This is probably seems like an unnecessary tip but TRUST me it's extremely important especially if you are going to get more than one essential oil. The set that I featured above has one dropper but it's hard trying to not contaminate the other oils so the best thing is to get pipettes. They are super cheap you can get a few for a dollar.  You can get them from, Mountain Rose Herbs, or Bulk Apothecary. Don't forget to label or buy labels for the pipettes especially if you are working with more than one. You want to know which pipette goes with which essential oil. The pipettes look like this below (like the ones you used in your chemistry labs in school):

I hope this helped you guys out. Let us know of any more tips that you want to share. I'm still learning too!

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