Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What To Do When You're Feeling Down

There are days when I am feeling down. Actually there are a lot of them! What do you do when you feel this way? A mixture of feeling hopeless, depressed, and tired is not a good mixture for a day. It makes you less productive and maybe even stressed. I feel overwhelmed when in actuality there is nothing wrong with my life. I can't complain. I am happy with my apartment, family, work, and school situations. The days I realize when I am eating the least healthy and getting lack of sleep are the worst days for me. I am usually a energetic and happy-go-lucky gal. Today has been rough for me emotionally because I haven't had any sleep. When I don't get sleep I get depressed.

Here are some tips to help uplift your day:

Drink lots of water

Exercise like going to the gym or going outdoors.

Sleep more!

Eat fruits and veggies

Hang out with friends or family and talk it out.

Remember the good sides to everything in your life and not focus on the bad things.

Go out and do something instead of sulking at home with the computer on your lap.

A lot of people resort to bad habits and they party, drink, smoke their problems away. This is really unhealthy and in the long run can really damage your body.

I hope these tips helped you. Let me know what some of your ways on turning your frown upside down.

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