Friday, February 7, 2014

How To Lose Weight Without Exercising

This may seem like a dream come true for some people or it might sound like a bogos post. Let me tell you something. You don't have to spend butt loads of money to get fit. That's the point. I'm sure Lady Gaga and Beyonce look great because they have personal trainers or what not but they have the money and resources. We don't! Lol, so for most of you guys out there we don't have that kind of money to dish out and spend like crazy. And let me ask you another question, how many of you guys actually go to the gym on a regular basis? It's hard to do if you have kids and work full time. That doesn't mean I haven't seen people do this.

I propose a kind of exercise that seems less like working. I don't go to a gym. I do walk everywhere as I don't own a car. If you try adding simple things like walking or jogging then it makes it easier. I also clean and move things around the house a lot which keeps me active and moving. The key is to keep moving and not to sit at your computer and TV all day.

Another factor into losing weight is my diet. I do eat healthy. This part you cannot cop out on. Now I don't mean to starve yourself because that is not a diet. I still eat the same amount of calories or more sometimes but I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. This causes my metabolism to increase. This doesn't sound yummy to most people I know but it'll get better. Just incorporate a few at a time. I remember my brother starting off and it was hard for him because he never ate fruits or vegetables. He incorporates one fruit and one vegetable a day now and trust me it was hard to even get to that point. This is a great improvement though! Every little bit counts and this is a gradual process and won't happen overnight.

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