Monday, May 12, 2014

How To Shed The Pounds

Happy marvelous Monday to my lovely princesses and princes here on Bonbon Naturale. I hope you are having a great start to the week.

I cannot be any happier right now as we have reached 100 followers!! That also reminds me happy anniversary to the Bonbon Naturale followers because it's been officially a year since this site was born.

I'm looking forward to this summer as there is a lot planned for everyone here. I love you all!

Three major things added here will be *drumroll* facial massage section, 100% Pure beauty reviews, and lastly a section where I'll add guest writers to contribute. This will be added by next week since I am finishing my spring semester this week. Woot! Time to celebrate. I feel like that everybody has such great ideas and they should be shared with the community.

Tips for shedding pounds:

Here onto my main topic of the the blog: shedding pounds with very easy tips. I have an interesting and personal story associated with this. My mom like many other people struggle with losing weight. I had a conversation with my mom the other day. She confides in me and tells me that she feels that she is too fat and she's been having some health problems like nerve pain in her foot. This was surprising on my part because she eats healthier than most people. She hardly eats fast-food and cooks a lot at home. Now the problem she's been having is that she eats a lot of carbohydrates. She likes to eat rice and noodles multiple times a day. She likes to snack on chips especially late at night. On the weekends, my dad and my mom likes to go and get hot dogs and corndogs at the gas station.

This wouldn't be a problem for some people if they have a lot of energy expenditure. She is sedentery. She hates exercising and walking has become a problem since she has nerve pain in her foot. She limps when she walk. Ultimately, I want her to love herself and be healthy. She just needs to work on tweeking some things. Of course, I mentioned light exercise and eating healthier. That's not always easy at first, which is completely understandable! I see her week after week saying that she wants to lose weight but doesn't actually follow up on the actions. A lot of the stuff she eats is on a routinely basis. She tries to starve herself at night but she ends up binge eating which is even worse!

Few easy tips:

1. Do not sleep right after you eat. I see my mother do this all the time! This is a big NO NO. All the energy will be unused and be gathered into fat in your body. It's recommended that you do some light exercise like walking after eating to help burn some of those calories.

2. Eat lighter and smaller meals. You can help your body out! You won't need to overload your pancreas and it gives time to digest. Large meals with loads of calories, fat, and sugar can overload your system so help it out by eating small portions. Why do you think we get food comas??? Lol

3. Prevent getting too hungry. This will help you from eating way too much. I am so guilty of this! If you eat light snacks consistently throughout the day then you won't have binge eat.

4. Don't eat late at night. Again, this falls into tip number one. All this energy will be unused and it's counterproductive! Try not eating later than 6 o' clock. Our natural insulin (hormone that helps us absorb glucose) peaks at certain times of the day. So it's best to eat during those times. I listed a picture below that will help visualize this. I am a very visual person!

Photo source:

5. Do light chores and walking. The key is, keep yourself moving. Don't be sitting all day!

6. DO NOT starve yourself. This is the MYTH or biggest mistake that anyone can do by losing weight. This will have the opposite effect. My mom did try this and I told her it wasn't going to work simply because if you starve yourself then you'll give up more easily. That's worse! She would starve herself at dinner time and not eat thinking it was better but it actually backfired on her. She would end up binge eating around 11 at night. SHE GAINED WEIGHT!! What I recommend is instead of taking things away, just leave it the way it is but replace your chips, candy, and carbs with your favorite fruits and vegetables. If you don't have one then find a fruit that you like to eat and start incorporating it into your daily regimen. I love bananas, mangos, and kale and I incorporate that everyday. They are so filling so it keeps me away from refined snacks.

7. Eat Multiple Times A day. Small and light meals are key. It keeps your metabolism going. I eat 4 to 5 maybe even 6 times a day. My diet is really light and low in calories. I would snack on 2 bananas in the morning. I would wait an or hour two to eat 2 cooked eggs. Two to three hours later I would drink a fruit smoothie, etc.... These are NOT like fast food meals full of grease and salt. 

Hopefully these tips will help some of you guys out there without having it to be too stressful. I find it much easier if you start off light and that way it doesn't feel like a diet or exercise.

Healthy is key! Keep in mind that these tips are just the starting point(if you're already healthy and fit then I'll write another blog post about that). Be consistent and reward yourself. Always keep pushing yourself to do more. Eat healthier and exercise more! You'll feel like a brand new beautiful person!

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