Monday, January 20, 2014

How To Be Energetic And Focused

It is Monday morning. I got up dreaming about a Will & Grace episode. I can't remember exactly what it was about because I can never remember my dreams ever! Does anybody remember that show? That show was awesooooooommmmeeee!

I'm so excited because in today's blog I thought I share my ways of getting up in the mornings being energetic and focused. There's no secret or magical item I eat or drink or use to do this. Sorry, folks! I don't drink Mike Chang's Afterburn Fuel. No diss Mike, lol.  0_O
Property of Mike Chang's sixpackshortcuts

Be concerned about what you put into your body or do to it:
What I mean by this is that don't be partying the night before or pigging out on a midnight fast food meal. As this may seem obvious you would be surprised how many people do this and many don't realize that this is really damaging to the body. Our body is capable of many things but when we smoke, drink, eat unhealthy meals, or stay up late, this gives our body a small amount of time to heal. It's like doing an intense workout and not resting in between. Any kind of trauma whether it be physical or mental requires our body long rest and detox. That's why when we get sick we need time to heal. Your body needs all the resources it needs to fight bacteria and keep your body in a balanced state.

What to do to get energy for long term:
This is not an overnight mission. This takes time which can be months and years. I can tell you that it has mainly do to with major factors such as:
  • your activity level
  • how hydrated you are
  • if you are eating a healthy diet
  • if you're getting enough sleep.

Stress can play a big part in your health too. This is another trauma to your mind which then affect all your body organs and systems. The hard part is not just getting onto a healthier track but being consistent. We'll have bad days and good days. We're human! The important thing is if you fall off then you gotta quickly as possible get yourself back on.

First step and how to feel great as soon as possible:
Write down your schedule to see where you can incorporate you packing healthy meals and fruits as snacks for work or school. I created lists all the time and wrote out my own schedules. I am horrible at time management. There are many of you guys out there too! Why do you think there are several books about it! You can also create time to workout and start your goals off small. Once a week is better than none. I promise and don't be like me in the early days, "oh, I'll stay at the gym for an hour." This will never work because you'll run out of exercises to do and will quickly burn out. Start off 10 to 15 minutes which doesn't include stretching and warming up. I used to go to the gym 6 times a week (when my parents used to pay for my membership then) for only 15 to 30 minutes at a time. I told myself at least 15 minutes and then I can go home. I was super fit! Consistency is more important then how long you stay at the gym. Unless you plan to look like Henry Cavill from Man Of Steel. I can't help you there. HAHA!

*wipes mouth* love you hunkie poooooo~ 

This doesn't mean you have to spend tons of money. I don't have a gym and I walk miles a day some days and I usually just watch youtube videos to get stretching and my cardio in. Trust me, I was in your shoes and it was so hard at first and I am the laziest person I know. After the hump I promise it will get easier just focus on being consistent.

Detox. There are tons of information about it online and in books. I'll write more on this in another post but this is really important to feeling great quickly as a week. Drinking at least 2 L of water a day. Eating raw fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Packing your own healthy meals. Don't go out to eat because that stuff is bad for you!

What do I do personally now:
I try to be as natural as I can. Of course, I'm not perfect and I don't claim to be. I still struggle with certain things as being healthy can be quite expensive. Nowadays, I drink a cup of coffee some mornings. I just drink water, fruit juices or smoothies, coffee, and teas. I sweeten with honey or organic pure cane sugar but I hardly ever do that.

I eat lots of fruits in the morning. My go to fruits are bananas and mango because they have the good kind of carbs. The sugar will give me the quick energy and the carbs will give me longer energy for the day. This is fuel for me as it's a quick energy sugar and carbs in fruits are broken down by our body easily than other types of foods.

I workout because that's what keeps my energy up everyday. If I don't do so then I feel sluggish. When I don't eat fruits and vegetables I feel sluggish. My body is used to this. I get hypoglycemic and start blacking out because of the lack of energy. I eat a lot good healthy calories. People are amazed on how much I can eat. I eat healthy fats such as from vegetables. I use coconut oil for most of my cooking.

I take showers in hot first and then very cold after. That usually gets me focused in the mornings and it's good for your pores on your skin. If you feel this is too much for you then you can start off small by washing your face like this. This can still wake you up in the mornings. 

I go to the sauna time to time as it is expensive to go but I do my best to save up and do so. It's important to release toxins through your pores. You can also do this by exercising first and then added benefit is to go right after to release even more toxins. 

In conclusion:
To sum everyyyyyything up. Consistency and health are the two most important things. It will not be an overnight result although if you keep it up everyday at first you may feel some results. Overall, cut back on those addictions whether it be fast food, smoking, and drinking a little less and this will go a long way. I hoped this helped some of you out...

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Don't forget to comment below and share us your tips and ideas on getting more energy and feeling great! I love to hear other people's thoughts and ideas~

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