Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My Favorite Tool For Shaping Eyebrows

Hey my bonbon cuties,

I want to start off my saying good morning! I'm eating my leftover pasta for breakfast. YUMMM I love leftovers, don't you?? It's 41 degrees and partly cloudy. *as it says on my iphone hehe ^-^* It's slighty cold but it's nothing too bad as we don't get any snow.

So today's topic I wanted to go over is eyebrows. I think it's because I've been watching all these videos about makeup and I don't wear heavy makeup myself. I like to watch other people do theirs. It's much more fun. Well, that got me thinking is that me and many other girlfriends that I have, have sparse eyebrows especially when we don't have our makeup on. I want to tell everyone out there, please don't over tweeze! I think a lot of girls make this mistake but that's just because we don't know how to do it properly. Thank you youtube! I started tweezing at the age of 11 but of course I didn't know what I was doing. I just kept tweezing away for years. Now I don't have very much left but I fill them in so I can have fuller looking brows.

Natural brows
Filled in brows

Now I'm not saying tweezing is bad. It's just not done properly so please watch some videos. There are tons of makeup gurus out there that know what they're talking about. Just youtube it!

I have this handy dandy tool that I use that looks like this:

I actually found this item at a local asian market but if you don't have one close by you can order on Amazon for really cheap. Type in brow shaper and there should be a good list of them. I'm so glad I got these. They're amazing because I can shape my brows instantly. It definitely does not take as long as tweezing and also you won't get sparse looking brows as it grows back.

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