Wednesday, June 11, 2014

How To Make Your Butt Bigger Naturally

Today's topic is an interesting one as I noticed that there are many ladies like myself that want to make their booty bigger.

Yes I said it.

Of course, I have to post a photo of Kim Kardashian's behind because we all know that she is notorious for that. Personally, I've always had a flat butt since I was little. I envied all the girls in my school who had voluptuous bodies. They had curves, butt, and the boobs! I felt completely hopeless. I waited thinking I was going to get the body that I wanted but it never happened. I had never dated a guy until my early twenties(not that it's a bad thing because I'm kind of glad I started later). But for those of you who are little ducklings that are still growing into your beauty shell. Have no fear! There is a way to get a thinner waist and a bigger butt.

As for the boobs, I'm sorry... (Mine are small but I don't think there is anything I could do about that)

If you are a teen then you're body is going to go through a lot of changes during this time and it still has time to grow into it's full shape. That doesn't mean you can't work out and stay fit and healthy.

These are all natural and healthy tips to make your bottom bigger through diet and exericse. I must warn you that you must be patient and consistent. This will not happen over night. If you try to do at least 30 minutes a day every single day. I promise you will see results.

My tips:

I've done so much research on butt workouts. A lot of them do work because I've been doing combinations of so many different videos. My butt got slightly bigger and it's only been a couple of weeks. The more intense booty workouts include the brazilian butt lifts. You don't have to go buy any DVDs or anything as there are tons of Youtube videos that contain free information. YAY YOUTUBE! Overall, I can't believe it is actually working and I was so excited that I wanted to share with you all on my tips I've consolidated. They're not hard at all. They're super easy and you can do them at home.

1. Warm up before any workout: I usually do 15 minutes of stretching my legs before working out to prevent any unnecessary damage to my muscles.

2. Squats: There are all kinds. The easiest one and the one that I see is most consistent in most people's videos are the sumo squats. Of course, you want to do different kinds of squats since there are different types of butt muscles. You don't want to just work out one part then you're behind is going to look incomplete.

3. Eat right: Make sure you're eating healthy.  Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. I drink lots of smoothies. Also, don't forget this important part! Increase your protein intake (make sure your protein is grilled and not fried). Increase your carb intake. Your body needs both carbs and protein to increase the size in your butt. Lastly, don't forget the fat intake. You need be careful with this part because you have to go after the good fatty oils such as fish oils and plant oils. Other oils such as butter, lard, fried foods are a big NO NO for this type of regimen or for anybody. They're unhealthy for you for any diet type because they are LDL (low-density-lipoprotein). These are bad cholesterol and can increase your risk for heart attack or stroke. Make sure you look for HDL (high-density-lipoprotein). These guys contain more protein than fat as a molecule so they're much better for you health-wise.

4. Take supplements: Omega 3's; 6's and MACA powder are great additional supplements to this workout regimen. Make sure to get a good quality supplement. Check out Wholefoods or Central Market. Natural grocery stores have great quality supplements without the nasty fillers. The maca powder contains carbs which will help give you energy and increase your behind size!

5. After the basics, hit the advanced! I only do these workout regimen for about 30 minutes to an hour a day. I plan to get a yoga mat and some weights to make it more challenging.

6. Look up brazilian butt workouts. They're super intense and they burn but that's a great thing! I really enjoy these videos and you really feel great after doing these.


  1. booty wow is excellent for make butt bigger, it helps to make butt bigger

  2. DermalMD Glute Booster Really works!!! I’ve only had it about a week and I can feel the penetration that it gives to the butt and see the difference of my shape. I’ve order several bottles and I’m fine as Wine. I love will buy as long as it’s available
