Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tips On Making Your Own Natural Moisturizer

Let's face it, a lot us have a hard time figuring out what kind skincare products and oils we need simply because there are way too many! I have to admit when I first started out I had to spend a lot of money and hours of research trying to find the best combination for me. Trust me, there were A LOT of trial and errors. THIS BECAME EXPENSIVE! It can be frustrating at times. I've read many articles and watched many videos and felt a little disheartened considering that I couldn't just pick up any product easily. Even watching videos with natural regimens didn't help. Just because it works for the viewer doesn't mean it will work for me. I have sensitive skin and on top of that I have combination skin which consist of an oily T-zone and dry patches around my chin and cheeks. I have breakouts too!!!! Few in number but they pop up here and there all the time. It's annoying! The best thing for anybody is to eat healthier, drink tons of water, and wash your face with a gentle natural cleanser. That is the first step. Now if you want to find a good cleanser and moisturizer. Toner will come later. I will write a separate post about different cleansers. The one I use for now is a mixture of Dr. Bronner's Baby Mild Castile Soap, distilled water, sweet almond oil, and a couple of drops of tea tree oil. Now onto the moisturizer or the OCM (Oil Cleansing Method). Ever since

I'll let you know my tips that I think will cut down a lot of time and money for you guys.

You know your skin best. Everybody's skin is different. I mean they say that each person fits in one category whether it's normal or oil or dry or combination. I think it's much more complicated than that and I think that's why most people have problems finding the right regimen for their skin. I buy combination dry products and they don't seem to work on me! I've tried so many brands too. We spend countless number of hours shopping and money trying to get that "perfect skin." If you're acne prone then look up oils that are not over-drying and that help eliminate acne. 

This cut down the hours of searching and useless oils collecting in your home if you try them out at the store. If you have the benefit of a natural grocery store that sells oils they might have testers and use this to your advantage and dab a small amount and rub it onto your cheek. Let it sit there for a while. Your skin will tell you the answer. This is also a great way to run into any allergic reactions. You have to be careful because the product maybe 100% natural, organic, or pure but they are processed in processed in plants that have soy, nut, or other ingredients that you may be allergic to.

There are all kinds. Where to start? This will be the most important item because this is what majority of your OCM will come from. Well I find olive oil too heavy for the skin just from experience. This oil makes me break out more even if it's extra virgin. You see in all kinds of videos though most people use olive oil and I just don't see how this oil would work out for people. I can imagine olive oil being okay for other parts of the body but not the face. I feel like my face can't breathe. A good base oil would probably be thinner oils that are easily absorbed into the skin such as jojoba oil and this is great for all skin types. Try it out for yourselves though. I personally like jojoba oil because it's really thin and doesn't block the pores.

Jojoba oil
Sweet almond oil
Jojoba oil
Coconut oil
Olive oil
Avocado oil
Or a mixture
There are more.....

There are tons of essential oils! This part was a huge headache for me but this doesn't have to be for you. You don't have to buy a million essential oils that you know little to nothing about to get the perfect combination. It's okay! You can start off with just one or two. No more until you get the hang of it. In reality you don't have to have 20 different essential oils to make your perfect product (but that doesn't mean you can't do that!) The great thing is that a lot of these essential oils have great benefits no matter which one you're getting. These oils can be almost anything for helping with acne, calming, for extra smells...

Ylang Ylang
Tea tree (which I like to use for acne prone skin)
And tons more! Let me know of your favorite recipes!

Depends on the day. I like to keep it simple. Mine is Jojoba oil as my base and a few drops of vitamin E oil. Those two are a must. I have a drop of peppermint and/or tea tree for acne and a slight wake me up. Peppermint is known to bring more focus. I need that as I tend to daydream a lot, haha! I might be adding more. The good thing about it is that you get to know your skin more and more by doing this. You'll be an expert and know what's best for your skin. 

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