Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Instant Face Lift SecretLift

I accidentally stumbled upon this product while I was shopping on The photo of the product intrigued me as it displays a photo of an attractive looking female on the cover. I wanted to know more about it as it stated for dark hair? What is that supposed to mean? I am a huge skeptic when it comes to quick fixes as this one states, "guaranteed to make you look 10 years younger." The four smaller photos on the bottom look like they're photoshopped pretty well and I knew it was just a marketing tactic. I didn't want to take that into consideration and completely dismiss the product right away. Per this tape was originally used by the entertainment industry as it was a quick fix on screen. Secretlift is a tape that pulls your facial skin back. This product runs for 15.95 US dollars which is super cheap to me if it's going to make you look like that! Based on costumer reviews, a lot of people do seem to like it and some not so much. They have two different colors I believe which are blonde and dark due to the strings attached to the tape. You'll better understand what I mean when you visually see it as it's kind of hard to describe what they're doing.

I wanted to see how this baby worked so I watched a video on how it really worked so I looked up a video on Youtube and here's the link below.
It seemed to work pretty well and also easy to do. I'm not completely against the product because it doesn't seem to harm the person or any other people. I guess you can say I'm indifferent to it. This would be great for photos or for a short time use. I don't think it's good all the time because it sounds like it would be a pain in the butt! Can you imagine your face stretched out like that? And I don't think stretching out your skin is going to help your skin any. It seems like it would be worse over time if you consistently used it. I wouldn't use this personally even if someone gave it to me for free. I have my own methods for looking younger which I'll include below. It's completely natural, free, and it actually focuses on the problem instead of temporarily fixing it.

What are your opinions on the secret lift? Have you tried it? Have you thought about it? Let me know of your thoughts?

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