Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Vegetable Stir-fry

This is a quick, easy, and simple vegetable stir fry I just made today and it was super delish! It's healthy too. I gathered roma tomatos, white onions, mushrooms, eggplant, and spinach. I slice everything in thin slices and pack the leftovers in the fridge to make more during the week.

Here are my sliced mushrooms! I bought them whole and peel off the outside myself. I know it's tedious but it's well worth it! You can slice these in whatever way you like. Have fun with it! I peel off the skin to all of my vegetables.

I turn on the pan on medium heat and put a few teaspoons of coconut oil (this oil is great for you since it's great for your metabolism). I throw in the onions first and let it cook for a couple minutes first. Then goes the mushrooms and eggplant. Keep in mind this stuff cooks very fast! Make sure everything is cut up and ready beforehand.

Add in the tomatos and lastly spinach. I don't put any salt as I try to do a low sodium diet. I do put in cracked pepper. YUM! I stir it until it's fully cooked. I made a lot for myself and it was sooooo filling!


It's important to have lots of the natural bright colors in your food since they contain more nutrients essential for your body. Ever since I started incorporating more fruit and vegetable into my diet I feel better then I did. I was at 130 lbs and at 5 ft. 6 in. you would think I was healthy but I found out that is wrong. You can still be lazy, sluggish, and tired all the time. I hated being that way but I just couldn't figure out why I was or how to get out of it.  I wanted to a more productive and active lifestyle. Once I started eating more raw fruit and veggies slowly I felt better, more energetic, and optimistic. The easiest thing to do is pick one fruit or veggie and eat that everyday. I ate one banana a day to snack on. Do that for a week and then add on more and more as the weeks go by. I promise it will get easier!

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