Saturday, May 4, 2013

Natural Remedy for Cold and Allergy

Allergies and colds..YUCK!!!!!! Where I live, allergy season is all year round and weather changes like crazy. Just yesterday it was super cold and a few days before that it was scorching hot! People get sick easily here and I can see why.

In this blog I will talk about a small natural remedy that I love to do almost every other day even when I'm not sick or congested. I drink hot tea with honey which is like my natural medicine. Sorry iced tea does not count, haha. The hot tea and honey is essential for detoxification. The tea acts as like a natural diuretic and the honey You can flush out toxins this way.

Here is a recipe for this great remedy:
Hot tea - choose your favorite - mine is green tea because of the antioxidants and relaxing properties.
Honey - Local is going to be the important part especially for allergies just because the bees collecting from flowers that are native to your area. Click here for a link on how honey fights off allergies. I use the organic raw unfiltered from a local natural grocery store called Sprouts.

Add these extra ingredients for cold & flu below but they are still great to add to tea as they have such great healing properties.
Lemon - Citric Acid benefits:
The citric acid in lemon is great for sore throat especially with tonsilltis because the citric acid kills the germs. Citric acid is a great natural preservative because of the acidic content making it hard for bacteria to grow. Prevents the formation of kidney stones, neutralize free radicals (antioxidant), increase mineral absorption in the bodyRead more: Http://Www.Veria.Com/Healing/Citric-Acid-Benefits-Uses#Ixzz2SLzR8vEK

Ginger - helps with nauseousness, upset stomach, pain, inflammation, cold & flu, and strengthens immunity. Additional benefit colon and ovarian cancer prevention and treatment.
See in more detailed benefits from here.  <---Click

(Despite all the benefits stated here, make sure to always consult your doctor first)

Get to the source: (by building a strong immune system & having a clean home)

Doing this remedy is only a small part in fighting colds and allergies. You must get to the source of the problem.

Clean House : make sure to spring clean your home at least once or twice a month. I will have a blog on natural cleaning agents you can make and use which I'm super excited about! I will write a post soon for you guys soon.

Add plants in your home and your bedroom. Plants act like air filters and give you cleaner air and a cleaner room. Their leaves emit negative ions similar to air filter machines which bind to mold, bacteria, dust particles, and pet dander. Click here for my detailed blog on how the plants can be great cleaning maids and save you tons of money!!


  • Detox diet -  I will write a detailed blog about this one as it contains so much information but you can look up good books on it. has sooooo many different ones. I got this one from a friend as a gift and it was pretty good. I've had this one for years now so you can find it for a penny w/ like 5 US dollar shipping, lol! It's a good deal. I found another one that was great because it listed each fruit and vegetable and the nutrients for each one. So do your research and look up the perfect book for you. If you have to see the book which I would recommend going to your local bookstore. I like Halfpricebooks since they resell used books. Recycle! YAY!

  • Exercise (gym, athletic classes, yoga...)
  • Sauna (additional release of toxins)
  • massage - Why is this important? First of all, the lymph system is definitely underrated system especially in western medicine because most people don't know much about it. The lymph system plays a huge part in your immune system as they contain vessels, nodes, and organs that produce your white blood cells. 
"These lymphatic vessels carry a clear fluid, known as lymph, that circulates around the body's tissues, absorbing fluid, waste products, dead cells, bacteria, viruses, fats, and proteins from the tissue as it goes, while also giving passage to immune cells as they're needed"- <--Check out their website for more interesting info

Where does the massage part come into this? Well the lymph system doesn't have a pump like the circulatory system does with the heart. Therefore, massage helps move the lymph along the lymphatic system which increase the rate your body rid of fat and wastes faster. Basically what I'm saying is that you need to pamper yourself with a full body massage once in a while, it's good for you!
  • De-stress - by mediation, reading, doing activities that are relaxing. Yoga is great because it's a workout and meditation. You hit two birds with one stone! 

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