Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Natural Teeth Whitener That Works

Pearly white teeth. Does this sound like a pipe dream? You might be like me who has tried everything and nothing seemed to work when it came to whitening teeth. You can brush your teeth twenty times a day everyday and still hopelessness!! It's such frustration, I know, I've been there. On top of that, I didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars buying whitening mouthwash, super-duper toothbrushes that spin at lightning speeds, toothpaste, strips, trips to the dentists, so on and so on... I'm a broke college student HELLO. I keep reading more about how damaging commercial products from the store can be bad for you which don't even work anyway?! What a complete waste of money! I'm going to list my favorite whiteners below that will work and only will cost you cents to make and do!!!!! A great plus, they're natural natural NATURAL! Need I say more?

Not everybody is going to have this item ready at home. It's worth the investment though! We've all heard here and there of how activated charcoal is great for detox. You can actually take this capsule to help detox and get rid of impurities in your body. I read such an interesting story online on how great charcoal is. There was a guy back in the day that drank arsenic (a poison) and didn't die from it because he also took charcoal. He was extremely lucky and please don't try this at home! This is just to emphasize the great detoxifying benefits of charcoal. When taken orally charcoal can adsorb toxins like a sponge and eliminate it via the toilet. I take two capsules once a week but you can do this daily just make sure to do it 2 to 3 hours before or after eating as it will neutralize the toxins and the nutrients in the food. It probably is best before you go to bed. You can use charcoal for everything from a natural food poisoning cure, constipation, intestinal problems, helps with blackheads and pimples, and also removes plaque.
I buy this brand Kal activated charcoal for like 5 or 6 US dollars at Natural Grocers (one of my favorite stores for organic and natural products). You just break open one capsule and you don't use the whole thing. Even a pinch is enough for the job. Be aware this will stain easily and get your sink messy but it's worth the benefits! I mix it with a few drops of peppermint oil or with Toms of Maine toothpaste or you can just do it plain with distilled water. 

Fact: Carbon is 100% alkaline and is spinning with electrons making the substance highly electrical. Carbon's negative ionic charge attracts positive ionic charges (of toxins and poisons) causing them to bind and then escorts them out of the body via the eliminative channel of the intestines. - Black Magic article by Foodmatters.com

Lemon and baking soda are also great teeth whiteners and these are super CHEAP to get! One lemon is like 50 cents and get a box of baking soda for like a dollar or two? You saved yourself sooooo much money. It's natural and healthy. Please don't use washing soda or borax instead of baking soda. Baking soda is a weak base and those other ones are super strong and can be severely damaging! 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Brush for about a minute. Make sure not to do it for longer as this will burn away at your enamel.

These are natural astringents and contain vitamin C. The astringent removes surfaces stains as the vitamin C removes plaque. I've seen recipes where you can mix baking soda and strawberries for more of a powerful whitener. I have to try the charcoal and strawberry. That would be interesting... YUM!

All these items are easy to get and they're all affordable. No more stress about buying products that don't work out and they're super bad for your body and health. WHEW good thing I can still drink mah COFFEE! I <3 COFFEE~~

Have any more natural remedies for healthy teeth? Share with us below~ ^___^

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